Page name: GO KILL YOURSELF [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-21 17:17:03
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Before you make any comment, before you come in there and tell me I suck, read the whole fucking thing. I'm really getting sick ofpeople coming in here and saying I'm a jackass,and I'm an asshole, when they don't even know what it is I'm talking about, because they haven't read the entire thing.


I do not give a flying fuck what you think about what I've written. In the last week, I've had two seprate youngins that somewhat fit the following description
message me, and tell me how wrong I am, or how stupid I am for my point of view. If you don't like it, FUCK OFF. I don't give a rats ass if you care or not. What's even funnier is that both of these youngins that have messaged me, didn't even know what they were talking about. Do I think that all 13-15 year old kids are depressed? No. Do I think that all kids that listen to Linkin Park and Evanesence are depressed? No. Do I have something against depressed people? No. I have something against kids that act like they're depressed because they think it's cool. Because they want people to pity them. Because they're too fuckin stupid to realize that life is not about the latest fucking band or acting cool.

The ones that don't seem to realize that they're just a bunch of fucking corprate tools that shop at Hot Topic and claim that they are "unique."

I hate to tell you, but you are not unique. You're fucking corprate tools. What is Hot Topic? A corperation. I don't wanna hear no shit about how you're a fucking individual. Grow up.

Now that it's been said, everything below is exactly as this wiki was and should be. Don't like it? Don't message me about it.
I don't give a fuck.
Kiss my ass, go to hell, or whatever else you would rather do.

*NEW* (26/26/05)*
You know, I was thinking about it earlier, and although music does play a huge part nin most of our lives, we are not the music we listen to. We are not defined by the bands we like.We as a people seem to put too much emphasis on the bands we listen to when forming relationships with other people... asif it's the only thing, we as human beings, should have in common with one another. I dont really think the music we listen to should dictate the rest of our behaviors. Thats what's wrong with this entire "goth/punk/emo" thing right now. You can ony be goth if you listen to the bands other goth kids listen to... or if you listen to punk bands, then you're only hardcore if you listen to bands nobody else has heard of.... it's pathetic really.... and it's only getting worse.

I finally realized the one thing that I hate worse than Wiggers! I absolutely, positiely and utterly LOATHE 13-15 year old kids that think it's "Cool" to be depressed. I've been browsing the random online members of this site, and unfortunately, about half the ones I found fit this category. We all know the type. They're like fourteen, and listen to Linkin Park, and Evanesence and think they're all goth, and spooky and shit. They talk about being suicidal because they think other people actually give a flying fuck what happens to them. They're the same kids that scream "accept me! accept me! accept me!" to the Ambercrombie and Fitch wearing crowd, but then scream about how much they hate preppies, ect. Just let me run into one of them in a dark alley, that is, if they weren't too scared to be alone in the dark.


Username (or number or email):


[The Right]: *giggles* My response you ask? "How eloquent.
First of all, I never once said that all people who listen to Evanesence and Linkin Park are that way. No, I do not like the bands, and no, I don't have to. Secondly, anyone who tries to start a fight on the internet, over something so insignificant, must be a fucking twelve year old little pussy with nothing else to do.However, it is good that you're not one of those depressed fucking morons.

[The Right]: The point of the wiki is not to bash the bands, although, I may make a comment or two here and there about them. The point of the wiki is to bash the retarted little fuckers that act like they're depressed for the attention they think it brings them.I don't pity them, I don't give two shits if they live or die.That's the point of the wiki.
So, before you come to my house, and tell me that I'm stupid, maybe you should know what the fuck you're talking about.Last but not least, you're calling me stupid, but yet looking in your message, I'm finding not one, but tons of mistakes. First of all, you spelled 'Evanesence' wrong, secondly, you didn't capitalize 'Linkin Park', or the letter 'J'

[The Right]: in the word 'Just'...Third, you capitalized the word 'bring', which is not a name, and it's in the middle of a sentance. And by the way, only braindead in-crowd wannabes spell the word 'sucks' S-U-X.Thankyou for giving me, and everyone else on GO KILL YOURSELF something to laugh at.

[Lethargic Panda]: That's pitiful. o.o Who was it be? !

[The Axe Effect]: Yes, we want names. I for one would love to write a polemic essay on why this person should in fact get depressed as soon as it looks in the mirror (after which it has ALL the right in the world to be offended by this Wiki).

[The Axe Effect]: Is it allowed to give depressed children useful tips on how to painfully end their life?

[Little_Angel]: Hello, what you all up to?

[EverlastingDusk]: Actually, im not depressed.

[EverlastingDusk]: im rather happy.

[Ego Diligo Tu]: Ha the anoying person who actualy likes your wiki but ranted at you anyways is back! beware..ok ya sorry skipping school utterly hyper

[Lethargic Panda]: Which one is the annoying person? I apparently don't care enough to remember. o.o Is it the angel one, or the...dusk one?

[The Right]: dusk something.. yes...

[The Right]: [EverlastingDusk] that's it

[The Axe Effect]: Ah... Well. That explains doesn't it?

[Ego Diligo Tu]: damn i didnt anoy you? That sucks...ehhh Not really..I dont care.

[The Axe Effect]: About that Dusk kid... Whazzup with her?

[EverlastingDusk]: im annoying. im right here.

[Ego Diligo Tu]: She is Her and Her is she she shall become the one person you wished you banned from the wiki

[EverlastingDusk]: yup. thas me.

[EverlastingDusk]: i enjoy this thoroughly. :)

[Lethargic Panda]: I thought it was the dusk one, on account of how deep her username was. ! Anyway, why do we get so many fourteen year old girls who want to debate and/or annoy us?

[mudge]: haha i return to see you guys have even more.. well.. annoying people.. but they pride in being annoying.. i hate that.. usually cause they are insecure so they make up with it by saying it like they dont care..

[Lethargic Panda]: Oh well. Where's mudge been?

[mudge]: being lazy and not checking stuff.. haha

[Lethargic Panda]: I see. Well, how's she been?

[The Right]: *sighs*

[Lethargic Panda]: *rolls on the floor cutely* Better?

[The Right]: hmmm... *thinks* Maybe if you wore a saddle and I could ride you across the room.... damn, that almost sounded kinky.... lol

[The Axe Effect]: SHHHHJ there's children near... eh... Ach, Crivins! Fuck'em... Though not literally

[The Axe Effect]: I should stop here

[mudge]: ...

[The Right]: *sighs* and yet another one shows up to fuck with me... gur what is this, fuck with stash week?

[Lethargic Panda]: ...I don't know, I was too distracted by you trying to get kinky with me. *sprays you with some sort of spray* *continues rolling innocently*

[The Right]: *giggles* well, you know... lol  but apparently, it is Fuck with Stash day.... I've just been informed

[Lethargic Panda]: That's depressing; I missed out on some good, legal fucking with. Maybe...we can extend it?

[emptyprofile]: I get to fuck with her later... *wink wink*

[Lethargic Panda]: How charming. x.x

[The Right]: Jay... You fuckin Ass-Monkey... *Kicks Him in the shin*

[Lethargic Panda]: Use some of your go-go gadgets! Like...bubble gum! Then it will spray sticky all over you, and we can all laugh at how zany and silly the situation has become!

[The Right]: *Raises eyebrow*

[Lethargic Panda]:  >.>

[The Right]: *stares blankly*

[Lethargic Panda]:'s the weather?

[mudge]: how about the weather where i live.. we have had basically non-stop snow since november.. we have got at least 8 feet collectively so far.. and yet another snow storm in a couple days.. we have an average of 2 snow storms every week..

[Lethargic Panda]: We haven't had snow here for a while. ^.^ I hate snow.

[The Right]: It's been fuckin crazy here in michigan... gettin way to damn much snow.... I hate snow....

[Lethargic Panda]: *laughs diabolically* :P

[Yiwerra]: *joins satanistic laughter*

[Lethargic Panda]: Such a little satanist. :)

[mudge]: really? cause in minnesota they just got their first 6 inches

[The Right]: *whines* get me the fuck outta Michigan

[Lethargic Panda]: I would, except, you'd try to get kinky with me. *brings up past issues*

[mudge]: hahah.. well massachusetts wont stop getting snow storms.. we are getting another foot tomorrow..

[Lethargic Panda]: Spring seems to be arriving here. Bwa ha ha.

[The Right]: I hope spring arrives here soon... I'm so sick of snow it's unbeleivable..... and by the way.... do we have to take this out back (and screw or something?) lol

[Lethargic Panda]: x.x Stop trying to steal my innocence! ...What's your favorite kind of flower? (directed at anyone who should choose to respond)

[The Right]: Tiger Lilies.

[Lethargic Panda]: Fun choice. ^.^ Just 'cause you find 'em pretty? Or do they hold more meaning for you? o.o

[The Right]: I can't explain it really... I'm just drawn to them for some strange reason.... maybe it is cus they're pretty... I don't know.

[mudge]: i dont really know anything about flowers.. hmm

[The Right]: Nor do I really... what's really sad is that I don't know any of that shit...even after I took Bontany (sp?)

[Lethargic Panda]: Botany. I don't know a ton about flowers...just...some random knowledge. I can however safely say I know more about flowers than I should. :D

[mudge]: botany?

[Rennie]: I don't see any harrassment going on in here, Right.

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Botany is...the study of plants...

[mudge]: i know.. i was spelling it for you....

[Lethargic Panda]: ...She was the one...who couldn't spell it...and I already did. >.>

[The Right]: not in here... she's been sending me messages personally

[Lethargic Panda]: Oooooh. Someones in trouble! *hums*

[The Right]: riiiiight..... I'm gettin sick of one little fucker in particular messaging me, telling me I should delete this wiki

[The Right]: and messaging me, tellin me that I'm stupid and this and that, even after I told them to fuckin grow up and stop messaging me

[The Axe Effect]: There is this little function called BLOCK member. It will not stop the fucker from entering your house, but at least you won't have to click (open message) and click (delete message) all the time. 

[mudge]: oh sorry i wasnt really paying attention.. yah when i clicked on the page.. you hadnt typed in your comment yet..

[Lethargic Panda]: Excuses, excuses. *smites*

[Little_Angel]: Hello

[mudge]: hey hey! i dont like the word smite.. haha.. cause when i was in 7th grade, the 8th graders had a smite the 7th graders day every first monday of the month.. it was terribly bad to my pathetic low self esteem at the time

[Little_Angel]: I do not go school no more. I know i am lucky

[mudge]: was the double negative a joke?

[Little_Angel]: yes. how is school (shit like when i went to school)

[mudge]: ok good.. haha.. well at least i caught that one cause im really slow.. but anyway.. school isnt that bad cause ive got some really good teachers.. but the only thing that im annoyed at right now is science fair which is on wednesday.. fun stuff

[Lethargic Panda]: ...No, she has very bad grammatical skills, I've talked to her on this wiki before. x.x

[mudge]: then why did she say it was a joke?

[Little_Angel]: I hate science, i like school at fist. then i just stop going as you can tell by my spelling and that

[mudge]: alright... well what are you doing now?

[Lethargic Panda]: She said she doesn't go to school no more, doesn't not would imply she does go to school, yet she doesn't go to school. She agreed because she had absolutely no idea what you said, and wanted to fit in.

[Lethargic Panda]: Heh...*kills the conversation with negativity*

[Little_Angel]: What you on???????????????

[mudge]: haha you make me laugh.. well both of you

[mudge]: wait.. whoa.. lethargic panda.. were you always a guy? haha thats a funny question.. but i thought you were a girl..

[Lethargic Panda]: I've...always been a guy. o.o And it's sad when people prove your points directly after you state them.

[The Right]: *looks at all quizzically* So... well... I guess I can't say much... I I thought Lethargic was a fem too... sry Lethargic

[The Axe Effect]: Um... Oh. I think I had some gender misunderstandings too... *checks* but at least I'm sure about my own... Ô.o

[Lethargic Panda]: I really need to say 'boobs' more. x.x

[The Axe Effect]: Yep. ^_^

[mudge]: hahaha.. i wonder why i thought you were a girl..

[The Axe Effect]: Prolly because of his sensitivity and well formulated statements?

[mudge]: yes, i think thats it

[The Right]: who knows....

[Yiwerra]: ben. i never never never never ever doubted your manhood >.<

[mudge]: says the person with the transexual name...

[Yiwerra]: PFF. my name might be transsexual but i aint!

[mudge]: thats why i didnt say that you were transexual.. i just said your name was.......

[Lethargic Panda]: I took a picture of me father and sister posing with a street performer in San Francisco named "Polyester." She was a transvestite. :D

[Yiwerra]: :O  i want to see it!!!!

[mudge]: hah

[Lethargic Panda]: No idea where it is. x.x Probably amidst my sister's stuff...and she's on the other side of the doesn't work so well. *shakes head*

[The Axe Effect]: the word 'Whoops' comes to mind...

[Yiwerra]: :( 

[Little_Angel]: Hello to all

[The Right]: *does a dance*

[Yiwerra]: *joins the dance of death*

[The Axe Effect]: Death? I'm outahere!

[Yiwerra]: oooooh *says hello*

[The Axe Effect]: You guys stopped dancing?

[Yiwerra]: no no no!!!!!!!

[The Axe Effect]: *runs off againg*

[Yiwerra]: againg?

[The Axe Effect]: Yeah... When I'm in a hurry I throw in extra g's for good measure

[Yiwerra]: oh thats gruesome! but dont run away though!

[The Axe Effect]: Oh. Okay. (I wish, I wish, I wish I had a spine...)

[Yiwerra]: :( ?

[The Axe Effect]: (Which is a eufemism for 'I have no free will and I hate myself for it and now I'm all depressed and that's real cool, anybody want to see my scars?')

[Yiwerra]: yea... i think i got it. thats what the ":(" was for

[The Axe Effect]: Okay. Sorry. didn't mean to scare you... I'll be all happy and giddy from now on, just to make up *jumps up and down giddily*

[Yiwerra]: hey its really ok, you can be down, you didnt scare me *pets your hair*

[The Axe Effect]: thanx... I was really scaring myself there... Can I be all cynical again?

[Yiwerra]: of course you can!

[The Axe Effect]: Thanx... What a relief...

[Yiwerra]: oh yay :D

[Lethargic Panda]: If you need to be cynical, I suggest doing so toward that little angel person, she could use a good harassing.

[Yiwerra]: O_O?

[Lethargic Panda]: *pats* Nevermind, the me just dislikes the her. How's Ina? *tips hat*

[Yiwerra]: :( oooh...  ina is good, okish. reading about greek philosophers and decides to be so freaking uneducated that she now wants to hate herself and being all emo *is emo*  how is the you???? :O

[Lethargic Panda]: I'm...alright. o.o Tired-ish...but I'm always tired-ish. *watches you through cameras* You're so emo. :)

[Yiwerra]: heheheh yay, i could cut "MM" in my bear arms :D (was this the one where im a bear???). oh the you *stuffs you with coffeine pills* im also always tired -_-

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You're a bear in the other one. *pats* Or you could get a tattoo of a tear on your face.

[The Right]: *raises eyebrow* ... so... yeah.... how was everyone's week? I spent it out in the fuckin boonies...

[Lethargic Panda]: I spent mine going to school; I actually went all the days (except for thursday...and last period of today...coughcough >.>)! I'm improving...kind of. What were ya doing in the boonies?

[Yiwerra]: hehe, i again havent been to school much >.< ooh well  *tatoos avril with a tear in her face*

[The Right]: went to visit my mom.... in the middle of the woods.... miles from civilization....

[Lethargic Panda]: She's...certainly dark. Yes, very very dark.           And I'm sure your mom is dark too, so do not feel left out. I want to live miles from civilization! Now...I just need something...YES! That shall lead me somewhere! AHA! *plans*

[Yiwerra]: in the middle of the woods?????  omg, sorry but this sounds to totally like BLACK METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bows down before your mom*

[Lethargic Panda]: We should live with her mom. ^.^

[Yiwerra]: yes really!!!!

[Lethargic Panda]: How shall we get there?

[Yiwerra]: i didnt get yet WHERE this forest actually is O_o

[Lethargic Panda]: So, step one, we ask [The Right] where it is, step two, we go there. !

[The Right]: lol if you wanna go to the middle of fuckin noplace in fuckin michigan... where it's cold and fuckin nasty... you go riiiiight ahead, I, for one, hate it.

[Lethargic Panda]: Heh. Next time you go there, Ina and I will be sitting at the table having porridge; it will be just like a sitcom.

[The Right]: ewwww... Well, I better call and warn mom.... weirdos will invade her house.....

[Yiwerra]: MUHAHAHA. what??? we are called weridos????        ..anyway, btw, michigan is fucking far away from me o.o i live in germany O.O

[Lethargic Panda]: Michigan is across the country for me. o.o And we're not weird.

[The Right]: :D 

[Lethargic Panda]: ...You agree then?

[Yiwerra]: who?

[Lethargic Panda]: I was talking to her. *tackles Ina* How's you?

[Yiwerra]: ooooooooh.  oh youuuu *poitns at other wiki*  how are you today?

[The Right]: *raises eyebrow*

[Lethargic Panda]: *pokes your eyebrow* I'm...quite agh. x.x

[Yiwerra]: oh no >.< no agh!!!!!!!!! *pets your hair*

[Lethargic Panda]: *tickles your ear*'s okay. x.o What's Ina up to lately?

[Yiwerra]: awww, no tickling!!!! XD   ..ooh, hmm... i havent been to school for about a week, have vacation in two days (where i was actually supposed to be in greece, but oh well), aaaaaand.... realised that the level of my internet addiction is so high that people even quit the friendship because they think im weird O.o   oh no, this all sounded negative, didnt mean to.. i also did nice things, like making a lot of new paintings in MSpaint. and i still didnt scan the pictures i drew about half a year ago for the ben -_-    ....what about you you you you???

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Just dealing with some stuff we need not get into.

[Yiwerra]: o.o

[Lethargic Panda]: ...that was a fast response. o.o

[Yiwerra]: was it? :O

[The Right]: *raises eyebrow... again*

[Lethargic Panda]: It appeared to be. *sits on Right* You need a nickname.

[Yiwerra]: O_O ?

[The Axe Effect]: Um... How's about Lefty?

[The Axe Effect]: Too Obvious?

[Yiwerra]: O______________o

[Yiwerra]: hey ppl of go kill yourself!!!!!!!! i went to the doctor today and told him i wanted to kill myself to get my excuses for not being in school the last week >.< its was an impossible thing to happen BUT I GOT THEM I GO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O         im so stuffed with happiness right now that i could just jump around and fill all of up with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[The Axe Effect]: Traitor!

[Lethargic Panda]: ...lucky Ina. And Lefty is a name for a "boy wonder."

[The Right]: I'm not a boy! gur.... well... as far as nicknames, most people call me stash.... lol

[The Axe Effect]: Okay...

[Yiwerra]: hehe *wraps ben in sandwich paper*

[The Right]: damn.... I can't wait till this girl wants her own room... soIcan have my bed to myself....

[Lethargic Panda]: ...Cauterization hurts.

[The Right]: lol

[Lethargic Panda]: It does. x.x

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: *Kills everyone* YAy!

[Lethargic Panda]: How silly. You're so silly. You silly, silly girl. You're just silly.

[Lethargic Panda]: You killed our conversation.

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: lol, HAHA!! I win...

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: This is the bestest wiki ever! I wanna join

[The Right]: ... okie dokie....

[The Right]: YAY! I made a new banner....

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: lmao, I like the banner XP

[The Right]: It makes me happy in my pants... and I've got three more in the works at the moment

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: O.o, Happy pants? :S

[Lethargic Panda]: Three is more than one. :)

[The Axe Effect]: Actually I'm quite happy in my pants too... I mean, being at work and all, and all them silly ladies looking at me, waiting till I do something stupid, Yeah. Quite happy that I'm still in my pants.

[!~N1ghtingale l0cked in the cage~!]: I'm wearing girl boxers lol

[The Right]: lmfao....

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